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TORNADO-55 Fast Sampling Memory Gauge
The TORNADO-55 gauge offers a great opportunity to catch sharp pressure changes, such as the pressure breaking point for reservoir Fracture or perforation operations. The gauge can record up to 500 data points per second. The large memory capacity of four million data points, allows operators to hav...
TORNADO-58 Memory-SRO Combo Gauge
The TORNADO58 Memory-SRO Combo Gauge offers either memory or SRO working mode for customers who want to have the flexibility in gauge operations. The gauge can be used as a standard memory gauge or a SRO gauge with an adapter installed on the gauge to connect to a cable head. SmartView software is u...
TORNADO61 Temperature Gauge
The TORNADO61 gauge is for applications that require a fast response to temperature changes. It allows analysts to quickly diagnose downhole problems such as tubing or casing leakage. It can also be used for monitoring stimulation operations to see which zones are more effective. Using the same high...
TORNADO-62 External RTD Memory Gauge
The TORNADO-62 External RTD Memory Gauge combines silicon sapphire technology with an RTD sensor to allow users to obtain fast temperature responses. This product is primarily designed for detecting tubing and casing leakage problem. It could also be used for other operations such as gradients and b...
TORNADO-71 Geothermal Logging Tool
The TORNADO-71 is designed for extreme, high temperature downhole conditions. The robust electronics combined with vacuum flask technology allow this product to perform at 350 °C (662 °F) continuously, for four hours. By combining the measurements from the downhole gamma, spinner, casing collar loca...
Saudi Arabia
The TORNADO electric submersible pump monitoring system measures pressure, temperature,pumpoperating parameters, and vibration on the x, y and z axes. One of the key advantages of the TORNADO system is the high level of accuracy and resolution provided for all measurements. One gauge is placed under...
Saudi Arabia
TORNADO PulseLink MWD Tool
The TORNADO101 positive mud pulse MWD tool was developed by Pioneer Petrotech in order to address the needs of customers engaged in horizontal and directional drilling. It provides the following survey/directional measurements: inclination, azimuth, dip angle, high-side/magnetic tool face, earth gra...
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Saudi Arabia
Компания «СТАРГ» имеет 10-летний опыт работы в области продажи запорной арматуры, контрольно-измерительных приборов и элементов трубопровода для строительных организаций, коммунального хозяйства и т.д. Имеем возможность поставлять: 1. Задвижки, затворы, клапаны, шаровые краны, вентили из стали, чугу...
Saudi Arabia
Малогабаритная самоходная буровая установка на гусеничном шасси.
Буровая установка УБГ-Л-11 "АЛЬБАТРОС" является современным мобильным решением для выполнения сложных задач в стесненных условиях. Благодаря высоким техническим показателям и серьезному оснащению, это оборудование позволяет решать широкий круг задач в максимально стесненных условиях с бережным обращ...
Saudi Arabia